Advanced Digital Imaging

Effective treatment of any condition begins with an accurate diagnosis. Today’s imaging techniques have greatly enhanced the physician’s ability to accurately diagnose multiple conditions. At Katy Hand & General Surgery, we offer the most advanced digital imaging techniques that combine leading technology with a priority of patient safety and comfort.

X-rays are one of the most common types of diagnostic tests used. During an x-ray, electromagnetic waves are aimed at a specific area of the body, taking pictures of the bones and any calcifications within the body’s soft tissues and organs.

Did you know…

that x-rays are safe for the average person? In fact, the National Institutes of Health report that most x-rays give off no more radiation than the amount you would receive naturally from the environment over the course of 1 to 2 weeks. Despite the relatively small levels of radiation, some patients may still be instructed to wear lead aprons as a precaution to protect certain areas of the body from exposure during an x-ray.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I need an x-ray?

Frequently, patients undergo x-rays to detect broken bones associated with an injury, arthritis, bone cysts, and tumors. Dr. Vossoughi will determine whether an x-ray is appropriate for you.

What should I expect during an x-ray?

An x-ray takes only seconds to complete, with most of the time spent preparing for it. Our staff will instruct you on how to position your hand, wrist, and elbow during the imaging process. He or she may place a lead apron over you to protect your abdomen from radiation exposure. The image is taken quickly and painlessly, allowing Dr. Vossoughi to review the results nearly immediately.

How will the doctor use the results from my x-ray?

Dr. Vossoughi may be able to make a complete diagnosis based on x-rays alone. However, some patients require additional testing or diagnostic imaging. Based on the results of your x-rays and tests, Dr. Vossoughi will make a diagnosis and develop a plan for treatment.